2018 0100 Britain 04

  • How Britain will appear to its friends

  • In the run-up to -在准备阶段

  • In the run-up to Brexit, will 2018 turn out to be the year it is widely viewed as Uncool Britannia?

  • Clothing, shoes and sunglasses can be cool; songs, plays, films and meals sometimes qualify too, as can people’s attitudes.

  • was always something of a marketing gimmick(暗机关;骗人的玩意)

  • slick-圆滑的, 油滑的

  • were naturally happy to cultivate

  • But it did capture a period of increased pride in British culture and leadership

  • seemed to feel that things in the country were going refreshingly well.

  • This came as a striking contrast with the painful 1970s

  • seemed happy to pick a fight,however necessary this might be in order to recover from that sickness

  • appear in a sharply contrasting light,but for the wrong reasons.

  • won a landslide victory

  • called a snap election,certain she would triumph. She lost her majority, and her party, facing the daunting task of managing Brexit, has clearly lost its way.

  • opened like this: 

  • looked forward dreamily to his new politics of

  • “After 18 long years of opposition, of frustration and despair, I am proud, privileged, to stand before you as the new Labour prime minister of our country. I believe in Britain. I believe in the British people. One cross on the ballot paper. One nation is reborn.”

  • the new approach is perceived by young supporters as

  • published a special edition on

  • has a better chance of remaining relevant in culture

  • Such things do not change overnight. 

  • split up

  • The competition is hotting up.

  • There are signs that some of the cultural energy could start to flow to other places.

  • have ...to look forward to and invest in

  • heap glory on

  • street fashion

  • Gone was the idea that

  • heralding the era of

  • will start to add up to harder evidence.

  • that most risks losing its shine.

  • cutting-edge

  • is just a geographical concept.

  • Uncool is different. It is being brave enough to stand alone against enemies in the 20th century, and clumsy(笨拙的, 笨重的) enough to find oneself alone among friends in the 21st.


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